
Showing posts from March, 2022

Leader is not an individual contributor

On many interviews for the leader's role you can hear questions like:  - Who has pushed for this change? Who has proposed this improvement? Who has  implemented this approach?  For me personally, leaders should answer in the following direction: - My team! It was a team effort! It was proposed by an individual, but implemented by the team!  Unfortunately, in many cases interviewers want to hear:  - It was me! I did this! It was my initiative!  They want to see an individual contributor pushing for changes and doing mostly a hands on work as a leader. Most likely, in their environment they need such a person.  My point of view, is that leader is a buddy, who can organise, motivate, inspire people. Sometimes he should lead by example, sometimes he should explain your fault one on one, sometimes he should motive a whole team. From day one in his role, real leader should start thinking about finding another leader in his team, to be able to delegate and sh...